Accessibility for Mobile App and Map
Specification: A mobile app that helps pilots plan their travel itinerary prior to booking their landing times, along with a printed map to reference airplanes current location and weather conditions.
Accessibility issues to address: Visual impairments
- Pattern recognition of visual structure layout of website of similar images and/ or text format
- Tonal contrast of black text on a cream colored background (App)
- Insert 12-24 points (pt) font size (Use wider apertures)
- Inserting user for easy access vertical writing
- Inserting a swiping option (for easy access scrolling) up and down
- Use appropriate typeface, in this case New Times Roman
- Limit the amount of text on the app causing less distraction
- Use voice recognition or voice commands in replace of typing features
- Avoid underlining
- Text contrast ratio 3:1
Accessibility issues to address: Cognitive impairment
- Break up large content of information (text/writing) into smaller portions (map directions)
- Consistency helps decrease distraction as well as increased predictability in a design layout (meaning colors of the map) blue the ocean, green is land, etc.
- Allowing swiping options (easy access scrolling) up and down
- Use voice recognition or voice commands in replace of typing features
- Insert 8-12 points (pt) font size
- Tonal contrast black text on colored background
- Avoid hyphenating
- Size of target for pointer inputs should be 44 x 44 css pixels
- Minimum viewpoint size of 320 css pixels wide, by 256 pixels high