Saas : Youtube
Youtube is very similar to most Google sites and makes their money through tons of ads and advertisements. Ads pop up during videos or video clips that users watch, along with the help of memberships and subscriptions.
Saas : Youtube
Youtube is very similar to most Google sites and makes their money through tons of ads and advertisements. Ads pop up during videos or video clips that users watch, along with the help of memberships and subscriptions.
Information : Global News
Local global news websites make big ortions of revenue through display of advertising. Some specific ways include sponsorships, memberships, subscriptions and live events (like fundraisers, sports games, etc)
Transaction : Bank of Montreal
The Bank of Montreal makes their revenue a few different ways including interest payments, money loans, fees or end of the month statements and payouts
Search : Google
Google makes their revenue through ads and advertisements. Along with having advertisers submit ads which includes a list of a bunch of keywords, when you type anything into google, it will automatically bring you to another website, product, etc.
Specification: A mobile app that helps pilots plan their travel itinerary prior to booking their landing times, along with a printed map to reference airplanes current location and weather conditions.
Accessibility issues to address: Visual impairments
Accessibility issues to address: Cognitive impairment
2. File Documents: Google Docs
3. Version Control: Pet Force
4. Prototyping:
5. Time Tracking: Fiix Software
6. Project Management: Click up
7. Code Testing: Aqua Cloud
8. Digital Marketing Analytics: Google Analytics
9. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): SemRush
10. Page speed testing: GT Metrix
Question 4)
Input: Landing time
Input: Which airport to you land in
Landing time + Airport = Time of Arrival
Compare with additional 20min drive to Courtney or 45min if land in Smit fields
Input: Available Reservation times available
Available time = Reservation
Output: Reservation
Question 3)
Input: Current time
Input: Remaining time
Current time + Remaining time = Landing time
Compare new landing time
Input: Available landing times
Available time = Landing time
Output: If landing time is earlier then available landing time in Courtaney, land there, if not in Smits Field
Question 2)
Input: Wind Conditions
Compare Wind conditions with 12 knots
Greater then 12 knots go to Smit Fields > Less then 12 knots go to Courtney