Saas : Youtube

Youtube is very similar to most Google sites and makes their money through tons of ads and advertisements. Ads pop up during videos or video clips that users watch, along with the help of memberships and subscriptions.


Information : Global News

Local global news websites make big ortions of revenue through display of advertising. Some specific ways include sponsorships, memberships, subscriptions and live events (like fundraisers, sports games, etc)


Transaction : Bank of Montreal

The Bank of Montreal makes their revenue a few different ways including interest payments, money loans, fees or end of the month statements and payouts


Search : Google

Google makes their revenue through ads and advertisements. Along with having advertisers submit ads which includes a list of a bunch of keywords, when you type anything into google, it will automatically bring you to another website, product, etc.



Accessibility for Mobile App and Map

Specification: A mobile app that helps pilots plan their travel itinerary prior to booking their landing times, along with a printed map to reference airplanes current location and weather conditions.

Accessibility issues to address: Visual impairments


  • Pattern recognition of visual structure layout of website of similar images and/ or text format
  • Tonal contrast of black text on a cream colored background (App)
  • Insert 12-24 points (pt) font size (Use wider apertures)
  • Inserting user for easy access vertical writing
  • Inserting a swiping option (for easy access scrolling) up and down
  • Use appropriate typeface, in this case New Times Roman
  • Limit the amount of text on the app causing less distraction
  • Use voice recognition or voice commands in replace of typing features
  • Avoid underlining
  • Text contrast ratio 3:1


Accessibility issues to address:  Cognitive impairment


  • Break up large content of information (text/writing) into smaller portions (map directions)
  • Consistency helps decrease distraction as well as increased predictability in a design layout (meaning colors of the map) blue the ocean, green is land, etc.
  • Allowing swiping options (easy access scrolling) up and down
  • Use voice recognition or voice commands in replace of typing features
  • Insert 8-12 points (pt) font size
  • Tonal contrast black text on colored background
  • Avoid hyphenating
  • Size of target for pointer inputs should be 44 x 44 css pixels
  • Minimum viewpoint size of 320 css pixels wide, by 256 pixels high


  1. Team Communication: Slack
  • Slack allows us to use instant messaging so that we are always able to be in contact with one another. Unlike Facebook, Slack allows us to create channels to organize our conversations, add threads to those conversations and archive our channels so that we always have an easily searchable record of previous discussions. Slack integrates with Google Docs so we can share files easily.
  • A potential problem is that it may be difficult to find conversations when there are a lot of different channels and private messages.

2. File Documents: Google Docs

  • Google Docs allows us to have multiple users have access to all documents through the chrome browser at any time. Unlike Microsoft word or USB drive, where you would have to process changes on the document to then submit or email the changes back to other users instead of easy access as well as more time manageable for users. Create and edit word files while collaborating with other users online.
  • A potential problem might be due to all the data editing and creating documents along with collaborating access to users may cause the website to become slow and freeze if too many are on at the same time.

3. Version Control: Pet Force

  • Pet Force enables core scales without any limits as well as delivers high performance at scale. You can have developers working on code in multiple locations which allows getting faster feedback to and from one another. As well as you can easily manage large files and complicated data, including using your favorite tools and have fully secured access to files.

4. Prototyping: Proto.io

  • Proto software gives you a chance to transform your ideas to a life-like design. Starting from validating your idea early, putting them to the test with a trial within no time. You can create and manage your progress by bringing together, designers, developers and managers which all can communicate at the same time. Along with testing and trying out animations, interactions of your app without needing coding.
  • Potential issue could conclude that with bringing everyone together to manage the data between all designers, developers and managers data could get hacked or ideas could get stolen.

5. Time Tracking: Fiix Software

  • Fiix software is one of the top platforms to help guide you to choosing the best maintenance strategy towards any end goal of a web app or website. It allows you to connect all your team members, use tons of useful tools along with data and processes to get critical insights by organizing and digitizing your work. Also  structured to help plan or schedule all your work.
  • Potential problem could be loss of end product, due to website the crashing or receiving a virus.

6. Project Management: Click up

  • Click up software helps you plan business projects to monitor and construct your teams progress. Starting off with complete customization and tools allowing you to have complete control over all workflows, teams, etc. Also allows you to do everything you need to create your own ideal and customized web app or website.

7. Code Testing: Aqua Cloud

  • Aqua cloud software gives a series of management processes for the documentation or requirements and allows you to test your activities. This software is very flexible, offering a wide range of applications to document  by structuring files along with giving a clear display of graphic elements.
  • Potential problem could be loss of end product, due to website the crashing or receiving a virus.

8. Digital Marketing Analytics: Google Analytics

  • Google analytics is built to work with Google’s advertising and publisher products so you can use your analytics insights to reach out to the right customers. It also helps you get a better understanding of your customers with free tools to analyze your data for your business. Easy access to sharing and processing data quickly.

9. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): SemRush

  • Semrush allows you to get usable data that helps you understand how to improve and rank higher by identifying opportunities arising from the data provided. Also understanding what works well with your audience and update you on any trends or changes in your marketing keywords.
  • A potential problem could be that the internet is always changing, due to new trends, that there is always going to be something new or better causing rankings to ether sky rocket or not.

10. Page speed testing: GT Metrix

  • GT Metrix software analyzes your performance of  your website or web app, and reveals why it could have slow loading and access. It also has many discovered optimization opportunities. How this process tracks the performance of the website is by monitoring graphs and alerts, etc.


Question 4)


Input: Landing time

Input: Which airport to you land in

Landing time + Airport = Time of Arrival

Compare with additional 20min drive to Courtney or 45min if land in Smit fields

Input: Available Reservation times available

Available time = Reservation

Output: Reservation



Question 3)


Input: Current time

Input: Remaining time

Current time + Remaining time = Landing time

Compare new landing time

Input: Available landing times

Available time = Landing time

Output: If landing time is earlier then available landing time in Courtaney, land there, if not in Smits Field



Question 2)


Input: Wind Conditions

Compare Wind conditions with 12 knots

Greater then 12 knots go to Smit Fields > Less then 12 knots go to Courtney
